Thursday 3 May 2007

Gorgeous Taffeta Summer Scarves

Ok. I couldn't help it. I saw the Eggshell blue one first. But it was what was waiting behind that bale of embroidered blue that truly frightened me.
There were seven other bales all of different colours! Mustard yellow, burnt orange, midnight blue.... Yikes! All feeling so smooth and silky and rich. How is a girl to decide? So many choices, so little space!
Having recently seen "Neat", a de-cluttering show on Home & Garden TV, I just couldn't buy them all. So I did the next best thing. I bought 4 colours. AND, only 2 metres of each. I have been a good girl!
And now, I'm happily sewing and turning them into gorgeous scarves.

This pretty eggshell blue scarf/shawl was finished yesterday. Imagine this under a tough black leather jacket. Rocking or what?

Tonight, I'll making another with both sides of different colours. The blue with the orange. So it's reversible and slightly more interesting methinks.

More will be on sale on Etsy. Enjoy!

If anyone has suggestions on other things to make with this fab material, leave ma a comment.


marsha said...


That is one UBER GORGEOUS SMORGEOUS DELICIOUSLY FABULOUS material!!!! Rockin it is baybee!!! =)

Ooooh, the fabric is hellava tempting isn't it??? Let's see now, i think they'll look great as headscarves ... check out to see what I mean ... they're the latest IN thing now! ;)))) Especially with summer right round the corner!

I'll keep dropping little notes if I think of anything else!

OH WAIT!!!! Got another idea! What about small to medium sized sling bags which can be slung across the chest with the bag itself resting along the hip area? A size just enough to hold say a wallet, mobile, keys, tissue packs, and maybe some gloss??? I think it'd totally rock with this fabric!

Ok, don't mind me ... just throwing in suggestions as they "appear" before moi ... =)

Unknown said...


I wish you could give me an idea on how to make a simple(cotton) summer scarves(I'm an Asian-from your neighboring country and a plain housewife here in Eastern Europe) as I've always problem with my voice. I had undergone a surgery 6 yrs ago and had a tracheostomy tube.
Yesterday, i was wearing a summer dress,with 19 degrees Celsius temperature outside. When I back home, I didn't have voice. I have this problem almost every 2 weeks. I find it uneasy to wear scarves during summer time but I'm tired also of not having a voice. So, I was surfing for summer scarves and found your wesbsite.

Great work, congratulations! I really like your summer scarves(very elegant) but for me, their too expensive, I need only a simple one.



Kampung Girl said...

Apa Kabar Joy.

Sorry to hear about your voice. If you leave me your email, I should be able to send you instructions on how to make a simple summer scarf.
